
【karwar to bangalore train】CPC releases rules on handling underperforming Party members

字号+ 作者: 来源:探索 2024-09-20 23:38:19 我要评论(0)

BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- The General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Commit karwar to bangalore train

BEIJING,karwar to bangalore train Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- The General Office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has released regulations outlining how underperforming and unqualified Party members should be dealt with, aiming to ensure the advanced nature and integrity of Party membership by providing institutional guarantees.

Comprising 27 articles, these new rules are crucial for exercising full and rigorous Party self-governance, said an official from the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee.

They are essential for promoting the Party's self-reform, establishing a team of Party members with strong beliefs, political reliability, reasonable composition, outstanding qualities, strict discipline and significant contributions, the official noted.

Unlike disciplinary measures imposed on Party members who violate Party discipline, such as corruption, these regulations specifically target Party members who lack revolutionary spirit, fail to fulfill their Party obligations, or do not meet Party membership criteria.

The regulations set down three organizational measures for dealing with such members: rectification within a specified time frame, persuasion to voluntarily withdraw from the Party, or expulsion.

In cases where a Party member fails to participate in regular Party activities, pay membership dues in a timely and full manner, or maintain contact with their Party organization for a period of six months to two years, the member's Party branch is required to address the issue and give the relevant individuals a deadline to rectify their behavior.

Party members who threaten to withdraw from the Party as a means of achieving personal goals, but fail to change their behavior despite education, will be strongly encouraged to withdraw from the Party.

Expulsion mainly applies to situations involving loss of ideals and beliefs, wavering political stances, disloyalty to the Party, or failure to participate in Party organizational activities for six consecutive months without valid reasons, as well as not paying Party dues or neglecting assigned work.

To protect the rights of Party members, the regulations also include provisions for submitting appeals in cases where members disagree with the punishment they receive. ■

Editor: Zhang Zhou


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