
【bangalore metro route and timings】Ethiopian academician recognizes China's rural areas on path to modernization

字号+ 作者: 来源:时尚 2024-09-20 21:41:56 我要评论(0)

http://recordcdn.quklive.com/upload/vod/user1587016609771948/1719831680197316/origin.mp4Dr. Eba Tere bangalore metro route and timings


Dr. Eba Teresa Garoma,bangalore metro route and timings an associate professor at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Jimma University in Ethiopia, spoke on how China’s rural governance strategies could bring solutions to poverty reduction in developing countries.

During the “Seminar on Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction for Developing Countries” recently held from June 13 to 26, 2024 in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, Dr. Eba was impressed by China's systematic approach to poverty alleviation. "The stories were very extraordinary, unimaginable to be performed by just the government within this very short period of time," he said. The improvements in remote areas, including access to the internet, healthcare facilities, and schools, were particularly noted.

"In Africa, when we say village, it is a kind of area where rural residents just live. But here, when you say village, it’s quite an amazing area and the projects are impressive. The life of people there, we practically observed that it is improved, and they are good eyewitnesses for the success," he added.

Dr. Eba highlighted the contrast between the conditions in China's villages and those in many parts of Africa, including Ethiopia, where poverty and natural disasters like droughts and famine are prevalent. "The rival enemy of humankind is poverty, especially when it comes to Africa and Ethiopia. Millions of people are in droughts and famine even right now in Ethiopia and also in many parts of Africa," he explained.

The visit underscored the importance of China's experience for African nations struggling with similar challenges. Dr. Eba observed the advanced agricultural techniques and effective water management strategies that could be vital for Ethiopia. "Such kind of experience is very important for countries like Ethiopia to manage droughts. If the government of China is willing, some experts can go to Ethiopia, where things can be improved in this way."

Dr. Eba emphasized the potential for collaboration between China and Ethiopia. With millions of Chinese already working in Ethiopia, there is a foundation for knowledge transfer and mutual development. "China is at the highest peak compared to the past times, helping developing countries like us in different aid mechanisms," he concluded.

Editor: WXY


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